
The first of the Gospels. Matthew portrays Jesus Christ as the long-expected promised Messiah.

1 Peter

Peter wrote to these Christians to encourage them, to explain to them why suffering occurs and to remind them of their eternal reward at the end of this earthly life.

2 Peter

Peter traces the motivation for leading a holy life to the imminent return of Christ along with the punishment and rewards that Jesus will bring.

1 John

In this letter, John declares that Jesus Christ came in human flesh, lived a human life, died and then was raised from the dead. He was fully human and fully God. Anything else being taught by others was false and believers should not tolerate it.

2 John

John instructs believers to walk in the commandments of Christ, guard against false teaching and arm themselves with truth.

3 John

The third epistle of John was written to encourage Gaius during a struggle within the members of one of the churches in Asia Minor.


From his opening sentence, Jude assaults error, threatens judgment and encourages holiness.


In recording the Revelation of Jesus Christ, John wanted to reassure his readers that Jesus Christ controls the course and climax of all history.